Thursday, 14 March 2019

Why Precision Medicine Is Good for Nursing ? - Precision Health Science in Nursing Research

Precision Medicine is an incorporation of Genetics and Genomics into Nursing in Health care Practice. Nurses are being called upon to play an important role in the national Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI), which will result in an identification of biological, environmental, and behavioural influences on diseases and chronic conditions of patient’s health.  Nursing field and nurses are  the largest sector in the health care work force, will interact with more patients from various socio-economic groups – the very people who are needed as volunteers in the Initiative.  Nurse will be trusted to explain what participation will mean for the individual and encourage them to participate in this critical program.

Precision health will focuses on the use of scientific exploration and genetic testing advances to forecast what diseases will most likely to occur in patients, then initiate and customize as well adopt the interventions to prevent these diseases before they strike.  In precision health, not just talking of genetics and genetic analysis and their stimulus with regards to a patient’s risk for developing diseases and how a patient responds to medications. Nurses will also consider where a patient will work and lives, what they eat, their hobbies and how they will play, their culture, and how these social determinants will affect their health risks and health goals.

Precision Medicine have Initiated in 2016, dedicating more than $200 million for research into this area of medical science, the term "precision medicine" became is more familiar for many people, it includes nurses also. While precision health is a relatively new and current concept of health, it is an area of continuous scientific research that is correlated with precision medicine.
Issues related to precision health will lead to more exact analysis, treatment and care, analytic approaches to make the most precise use of symptom and other person-cantered data. Application of hypothetical outlines to guide precision research and practice as well as challenges to the conduct the survey of precision health science. Tying it all together is a explanation can be written by leading nursing scientists who address the challenges and opportunities for nursing science in the precision health era. Nurses started their research in precision health science and with their research related to precision health, including methods to individualizing prevention and healthcare management techniques using multi-omics (e.g., genetics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, epigenetics, microbiome, etc.), technologies, and other physiological, psychological, imaging, environmental, and ethical factors for persons, families, and communities. 

The goals of precision health science
·         Organizations and staff diving into precision health research have high hopes for accomplishing its objectives.
·         To precisely uncover the predictors of disease and the specific responses to treatments.
·         There are four components of the precision health program
v  Genomics
v  Pharmacogenomics
v  Digital health and
v  Community engagement,
·         Patient’s genetic information to predict disease development and select the best course of prevention and treatment.
·         Pharmacogenomics uses genetic information from a patient regarding their predicted response to medications, so the most effective ones are used for each patient and decreasing the incidence of adverse drug reactions.

·         The use of digital health is multifaceted and involves the use of electronic health records, collecting and culling health data for individuals and populations, using technology for remote monitoring of specific conditions and for conducting patient outreach for testing and appointment reminders.

1 comment:

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